Our memberships and partners

Contacts and information platforms help to orientate in Berlin and to experience more.

IVD Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.

Real Estate Association Germany IVD Regional
Association Berlin-Brandenburg


Real Estate – Houses – Apartments – find at immowelt.de


Real Estate – Houses – Apartments – find with ImmobilienScout24


The Berlinitaly POST is a new online information source for learning, developing, exchanging and exploring ideas.


graphic design, photos,
marketing – find your


Which Berlin do you want to see?
Berlin’s official travel website


shares and contributes towards a clear vision about the powerful magic behind learning and training.

AG • Dekoration & Innendesign

Functional and design solutions for your spaces, in according with your style and your needs.

Società Dante

Society founded by Giosué Carducci in 1889 and present in Berlin since 1956 for the diffusion of Italian culture and language in the world.

Stefano Corso

A Professional Photographer living and working between
Rome and Berlin.

Berlino Magazine

Berlin Magazine is an online publication on culture and
current affairs

Carlo Stanga

As an editorial and advertising illustrator, Carlo works with major italian magazines and newspapers and with international clients.

Asilo Italiano

The Asilo Italiano is a care and support facility for children aged 1.5 years until they start school.

Il Mitte

ll Mitte is the first online newspaper for Italians abroad, launched on 7 May 2012 in Berlin.

Roberto Conte

Roberto Conte (1980), based near Milan, Italy.


Berlinitaly is a showcase for promoting oneself or one’s company, to create collaborations, to look for and offer work and to benefit of quality services.

Are you interested in a cooperation?

We are interested to new partners and networks of any kind,
feel free to contact us and introduce yourself.

Cooperation with us